*A few months after the birth*
*Melody POV*
Daddy snored. I felt my eyes burning as I started to cry, it stung badly. I couldn't sleep either, I kept on tossing and turning. I can remember seeing dad's face, it looked worried as he shouted for mummy, he walked over to me , he was very tall, but he spoke in a gentle tone - he meant no harm. Then, he picked me up, one hand cradling my head, and the other, on my back. I stopped crying at this point. Dad smiled. He held me close to his chest, and sang a sweet song, his strong arms making me feel safe as he continued to sing. Mummy came over to daddy and kissed him, I could see the affection in her eyes. I tried to kick mum away from daddy, but my little legs wouldn't reach. Daddy chuckled and looked down at me. "Daddy's girl" he whispered, smiling. Truth be told, dad was my favourite parent and mummy knew that. Dad's chest was warm and soft, I buried my head into his chest and I could feel, and hear, his soothing heartbeat, so much so, that it finally sent me drifting.
I can remember opening my eyes, daddy was staring at me again, and placed down in my playpen, and started to build a house from some bricks. He wasn't tired and I knew that, he then started to sing and it relaxed me, as he wandered over to the kitchen. I could see him getting a drink out of the fridge, it wasn't a normal drink. Daddy poured a little into a small glass. He took that glass in his hand, walked over to the sofa, and placed it down on a side table. Daddy came over to me and picked me up, he held me close to him again. I liked that. Daddy sat down, I buried my head in his chest, and, he sang the same sweet song to make me fall asleep, but, I wasn't tired - I wanted this moment to last forever. Daddy saw in my eye that I didn't want to sleep, so, he stopped singing and placed on the lamp. A dim light came on. "You don't wanna sleep?" he asked me, in response, I buried my head in his chest once again and looked at him. He nodded. He took a sip of his drink, which was a gold colour, my icy-blue eyes string up at him. He turned on this box that plays cartoons. I like them.
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck came on. Daddy's soft thumb caressed my creamy and fine jawline as he sat me upon his lap my body leaned against his hard and warm body, his strong arm across my stomach. We stayed like that for a few hours - I never felt tired because I'd slept for most of the afternoon and some of the night. Dad finished his drink and switched off Road Runner. "I'm gonna sleep down here tonight, sweetie" he told me, before he laid down and pulled me onto his chest. His steady heartbeat soothing me to sleep and we both drifted off.
*Third person POV*
Evie smiled. Richie and Melody were still asleep, and she opened the curtains, which made Richie hiss at the sunlight that poured, and flooded the room. She frowned. There was a empty whisky glass on the table, and she immediately knew that Richie had whisky. Richie opened his eyes and sighed as Evie met his eyes, she took Melody off his chest as he sat up; his head thumping and throbbing against his skull. Evie took Melody upstairs, and laid her down in her cot, then strolled back downstairs.
*Melody POV*
I didn't want to fall asleep, and, I was taken away from daddy - which I didn't like one bit. I started to have a nightmare, mummy went downstairs and I started to cry because no one was there to protect me. I hated being alone. My eyes stung, and were all red and swollen, as the tears streamed along my small face. I heard footsteps coming along the hall. It was daddy. Daddy came over to me again, a worried expression on his face. His large hand patted me on the back as I coughed, my lungs felt heavy and horrible. Mum was by my cot, they both looked at each other. "A nightmare" mum told dad, he nodded. A 'nightmare' was scary and it frightened me half to death. Daddy then replied to mum, saying that he had to meet Jon at the 'studio'. I have no clue what that means, but if daddy leaves me, then I'm not going to be a happy bunny.
Dad picked me up again, and held me tight and close to him, and gently kissed my forehead and patted my back. Mum smiled softly, and gave dad his boots and jacket.
Oh no, daddy's gonna leave.
I can't let him do that. He kissed the top of my head once again, and smiled softly at me as he placed on his Stenson and his boots. Mum took me from daddy's arms and he kissed her passionately on the lips. I hated to see him leave, I buried my head in mum's chest.
I could hear daddy leave.
Mum took me downstairs, I was hungry. Mum and I got onto the sofa as mum let me drink; dinner was nice and tasty. After lunch, I became sleepy and mum took me upstairs and placed me back in my cot. I couldn't get to sleep. Dad wasn't here and I hated it, though, as the hours passed, I was bored and slowly became even more exhausted. I couldn't dream of knights in shining armour saving damsels in distress; daddy was my knight. Finally, a short while later, as it was getting dark, I heard the rumble of a car engine coming from outside. I didn't like the rumble, so I started to cry and laid my body down on the bed, tears of sadness falling down my cheeks; silently. The door closed downstairs. Nevermind, I carried on crying. I shut my eyes, the same nightmare wrapped me tightly in it's cloak of darkness and despair. I started to sweat as I cried louder than I had anytime prior.
I need daddy I thought to myself. He'll come. Then, a loud thunder of footsteps rush down the hall as I twist and turn.
My head starts to hurt. It throbs, I feel a pair of warm and strong hands picking me up - it's dad. I can see him, but he's all blurry, my whole body is soaked in sweat and it feels real wet. My body's exhausted, dad rushes downstairs with me in his arms. "Another nightmare, and a cold sweat" daddy told mummy, who was at a loss for words. "Give her a bath, now" mum told dad, daddy nodded and took me upstairs, into the bathroom. Dad ran the taps, and then undressed me. Daddy sighed, I could tell that he was worried and so could mummy, who was also worried. I was placed into the warm bath, dad covered my body in water, I liked dad giving me warm baths; his gentle hands washed my hair with shampoo and gently massaged and rubbed it in. It was very relaxing, I relaxed and so did daddy as he smiled at me. He washed out the shampoo. Then repeated it with the conditioner. I almost fell asleep, I was really warm and relaxed, but, exhausted.
Dad knew that I was as he rubbed in the soap on my body. He washed it off and grabbed a towel from the rail. Dad grabbed the towel and wrapped me in the fluffy towel. I giggled as the soft towel tickled my soft skin, dad laughed and held me close, he strolled over to the door and we headed down the hall, to my bedroom. Dad laid me down on the changing table and I squirmed and squiggled. Daddy managed to put me in a new nappy, then put me in a light pink babygrow with Winnie The Pooh on the front. I was happy. Daddy then picked me up and gave me a kiss on the cheek, his mouth was warm and wet. He smiled. I giggled and smirked. Dad picked me up once again and carried me downstairs, his strong, tanned arms wrapped around me.
Mum was busy making dinner for her and dad, that reminds me; that bath made me hungry. "Dinner's ready Richie" mum tells dad. Daddy puts me down on his lap when he sits down and I lean my head on his warm body, mum gave him his dinner. I started to feel woozy. I leant against daddy more, he stopped eating and placed his dinner on the table. The room started to swim in and out of focus, and my head started to thump against my skull. Dad looked at me; he placed his large hand on my forehead and shook his head. "Evie, Melody has a temperature" he told mum, sighing. Mum got some liquid stuff, it over to daddy. Dad gave it to me on a spoon, it was really yucky. I cringed and daddy handed back the liquid stuff (medicine), and I laid my head against his warm, strong chest, and I could feel and hear his soothing heartbeat in my ear, I finally felt relaxed as the liquid, whatever it was, was having an effect on me and the thumping started to slow down and stop. Daddy carried on eating, checking on me all the while.
I started to drift, until I start to cough as my lungs felt heavy, dad had finished dinner by now, and he gently patted my back, which helped. Though, my small body needed sleep and I wasn't going to let exhaustion set in. After I gave my parents a heart attack with my horrendous coughing fit, daddy sang me the sweet song that sent me to sleep, with a soft hand wrapped around me, I felt warm and protected; I finally had some sleep in what seemed to be a very long day.
I can remember being carried up to my room, not long after I had fallen asleep. Daddy was tired too. A pair of strong hands placed me down and then I felt my blanket over the top of me. I opened an eye, daddy sang a lucious, sweet symphony to me, quiet enough so that only I could hear. I closed my eyes and wished the world goodnight as I finally dreamt of knights in shining armour saving the day.
When I awoke, dad was there, and he had another man with him, one with crystal blue eyes that pierced and light brown hair. I didn't know him, but daddy did. The stranger smiled and I felt uncomfortable, being stared at like a piece of art. "Jon, meet Melody Abigail Sambora" daddy told the man, dad picked me up, I felt at ease with dad normally, but because of this man's staring, I felt uncomfortable and I hated it. I tried my hardest to not look how I felt; daddy frowned. The man, or 'Jon', tried to take me from daddy and dad let him, as much as I tried with all of my might, it was no use. Jon smiled. I started to cry - daddy was there, and he rescued me from the terror of Jon. He quietly patted my back and let me bury my face in his chest. Away from Jon. Away from the world. Daddy soothed me and handed me back to Jon, who I was beginning to trust; I need to learn to trust.
Jon held me in his arms, in fact, I almost fell asleep. Only, I didn't, bit I tried to fight fatigue. Daddy's friends arms were too comforting, and the whole world closed in.
When I did wake up, daddy was looking at me, and softly smiled. I didn't know where I was. Daddy, Jon, and some more of dad's 'friends' were there as well. "I can't believe that you passed out on us, you were out for some time" dad told me, I was dazed and confused, and
we were outside? Mummy was there too, I could see the house behind us, and dad smiled. Dad was always there. He stood up, smiling, and handed me to another of his friends, this one had curly hair and a tattoo on his chest, daddy had tattoos. This man was gentle, his right hand cradling my head and the other, on my back. I was safe. His arms were protective, and far too warm and comforting, until sleep overcame me in it's cloak.
I opened my eyes and I was alone. Where's dad? I can't see him, I start to panic and cry. Loudly.
I don't think that they can hear me from out there. Daddy's not here to hold me, to comfort me, and to protect me. I could feel that my small cheeks were wet, my eyes burning and swollen. Exhaustion comes over me again as the world gets darker.
I must have cried myself to sleep, because when I woke up, my voice was hoarse from screaming and I could feel a warm hand across my cheek. It was Jon, I was dissapointed at that. Then again, I hope that he takes me to daddy. I lean my head against his shoulder, and look at where he's taking me, I'm not sure where. At the end of the hall, dad's stood there and my face lights up with joy as daddy takes me from Jon's grasp. "You really don't like being away from me, do you?" dad asked, he stared at my face and shook his head and then smiled. He held me tight; close to his warm chest, I buried my head, but, for it's this moment that I'll cherish forever.
(The sweet song)
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
I looked over Jordan, and what did I see
Coming for to carry me home
A band of angels coming after me
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
If you get there before I do
Coming for to carry me home
Tell all my friends I'm coming, too
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
I'm sometimes up and sometimes down
Coming for to carry me home
But still my soul feels heavenly bound
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
The brightest day that I can say
Coming for to carry me home
When Jesus washed my sins away
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
If I get there before you do
Coming for to carry me home
I'll cut a hole and pull you through
Coming for to carry me home