The crowd screamed, his hands flying over the frets as he played the solo, his eyes looking at some blonde in the audience. It was for one brief second, then he turned around and ran across the stage, Jon was flying over the audience on wires. After another couple of minutes the next song was played. A couple of hours went past, then it was the encore. Richie wrapped his lips around the voice box and started played the opening chords to Livin' On A Prayer, Jon ran backstage to spray some hurricane spray into his mouth. Richie played the voice box until Jon returned, when Jon didn't, Richie started singing.
"This is the last song" Jon spoke through the microphone.
He started to play Get Back by The Beatles.The crowd roared, as the sound of The Beatles filled the stadium.
Evie thrown her head back on the seat, two and a half fucking hours had passed, she was hungry for her dessert. She was now backstage, in Richie's room. She got up, bored, so she grabbed a Kramer, left the room and stepped into the hallway.
She plugged it in, cranked it to it's maximum volume and started playing Since You Been Gone. Outside at the concert, Jon could hear something, like a guitar being played, maybe. He told the band to stop playing, yep it definitely was a guitar. He asked the audience "Ya guys hear that too?" They all cheered and screamed in response. She stopped playing, Evie could hear clapping and screaming, must be the guys she thought in her head. But she couldn't help to be that bit more curious, so she got up carrying the guitar with her, then she walked onto the stage. Richie looked at her with an astonished look on his face, the crowd cheered at her. She started playing that Cherry Pie song that she thought of the previous year.

"Now this song has never been played live before, I thought you may like it" She said through the microphone.
She started to do the intro, then Richie went on the vocals, his voice like silk that actually sounded like music to her ears. The crowd loved it, they were going ballistic. She did the guitar solo with absolute precision, her hands gracefully flying over the strings, she was full of adrenaline, running all over the stage. Then the song came to an end, unfortunately.
She walked over to the microphone, "How'd ya like that?" she asked the audience.
She walked over to the microphone, "How'd ya like that?" she asked the audience.
The crowd screamed and she heard a few wolf-whistles as well.
The crowd screamed and she heard a few wolf-whistles as well. She smirked, "I'll take that as a yes".
Richie strode over to her, guitar in hand. She started playing a little lick she had racing through her mind and eventually her hands. It was the Enter Sandman riff. Richie looked at her, shell shocked to say the least. How could she of all people create this awesome lick? The crowd were going wacko, they loved it. Richie strode over to her and started playing this lick, playing with two guitars made it even better. Tico added some drums, David keyboards and Jon, well the voice.
She was super sweaty now, she had been playing guitar for a few hours now, her hands started to feel sore. That's when she realised: her knuckles were bleeding all over the white guitar. She stopped. Gave the guitar to a tech guy and went to get a plaster. She searched all over the first aid kit and found one measly plaster. Guess it'd have to do, she pit it on her bleeding knuckles and ran back onto the stage. She ran over to the band in time for the final bows, they all thrust thier hands up, they'd had a fun night.
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